Food for thought…

We are having a big new push with our food for thought initiative.

What’s that I hear you .. well we are working to partner decile 8-10 schools around Auckland with our decile 1 schools in South Auckland.

At the moment we have two schools who collect food donations each term for their partner schools and at christmas time we are planning a toy collection.

Next year we have two more primary schools joining the plan and hopefully over the year this will keep growing,. We have 9 schools on our list that we would like to support in the future.

Bayfield school who was our first school to sign up to help, have been amazing and they feel that it has helped their children learn that there are others in the country who need help and are less fortunate than themselves. The gift of giving is a good lesson for any age child to learn.

Point Chevalier school have joined us this term and are gearing up for their first collection which is being coordinated by the school student councillors.

Are you a school parent do you think this is something you school would like to be involved with ? Then please contact us and we can send you some more information.

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