Grandmother’s Miracle



A grandmother in Randwick Park School was asked by her daughter to raise her grandson for her, while she went to the South Island with her other son and partner.

This grandmother was concerned that she had no transport and a very sparsely-furnished two bedroom house so she asked, as a last resort, one of the leaders at the Breakfast Club to pray for her to receive blessings.

Within one week she was offered at no charge, a three litre Mitsubishi Gallant car which meant that she was then able to attend her brothers funeral in Kawerau.

Her sister in Kawerau, a Pastor’s Wife, asked her to drive her to the local bank to withdraw money to buy groceries. When they arrived at the bank they discovered that someone had anonymously deposited $10,000 into her account.

One week later this Grandmother returned to Randwick Park to work out how she was going to be able to look after her grandson, when she received a phone call from a team member at Breakfast Club. As a result of this, delivered to her house the next day was:

  • Lounge suite
  • Dining chairs
  • TV
  • Stereo Player
  • X Box and games
  • Ten speed bike
  • Study desk
  • Pots and pans
  • Coffee Table

That evening as she was making popcorn on the stove her grandson commented, “Wouldn’t it be great if we had a microwave to make our popcorn in?” The next day this Grandmother received a phone call asking whether she knew anyone that needed a microwave oven.