Some real exciting times have been had since the last newsletter, so I thought I would break this newsletter update into three:
- Updates on Events
- Government Non Assistance
- Albany Junior High School Visit
Since our last newsletter we have had awesome meetings with Companies that have contacted us and offered to ‘walk along side us’ in what we are attempting to do.
These companies are:
- Kensington Swan Lawyers
- Bank of New Zealand
- Les Mills Gyms
- New Hope Church in Botany
- Pak n Save Glen Innes
- A.N.Z. Bank
We are currently talking with each of these organisations, discussing how best we can work together as a team to effect change. Exciting times ahead.
What are the updates:
Our Head2Head walk planning is well underway with Method Design completing our web site (that was sponsored by Manurewa Local Board) A number of companies have contacted us with intent to register teams for this event. At this stage we have about 12 company teams stating they will enter. Our aim is to get 20 teams at this event in October and raise $20,000 for projects at Randwick Park, Manurewa East, Glen Innes and St Piux Schools.
- Recently we had about 250 pairs of shoes donated to us from St Cuthbert’s School. We gave these shoes to Glen Innes School … and they were quickly swooped up in 15 minutes. However we noted that the majority of children that were trying on these shoes had no socks … so we have started a sock drive. With the help of friends from Te Atatu, Elim Christian College and Kensington Swan Lawyers, we had already received about 75 pairs. Our target is 250 pairs.
- On the last week of school we had a passionate plea from the Social Worker of St Pius School in Glen Innes, to assist them in setting up a Breakfast Club next term. Kick Start Breakfasts cannot assist them until at least the last week of term. This school has seen the dramatic changes Breakfast Club has made at Glen Innes School in one month, and would like to duplicate that. Glen Innes School is already sharing their Food Bank with this school. We are at present discussing with our ‘Catholic Supporters’ in Botany how this can be done.
- On the Tuesday of the last week of term, our Sports Academy had a Leadership Day with St Kentigern College. This day consisted of Rugby and Netball Training in the morning, and then a group of Year 13 students from St Kentigern College took the Academy kids for ‘Life Skills’. A great day was had by all … perhaps thanks to five dozen Dunkin Donuts and a great BBQ as well.
- Breakfast Club has been asked by Manurewa Victim Support Unit, and the Police to assist them in the supplying of food and materials to families that they come across that are in need. Already this relationship has been kick started by the Police requesting help with a family they came across where the father is dying of cancer and the family are about to be evicted from their home. We were able to give them four banana boxes of groceries and fruit.
- Another one of our supporters came across a family in Papakura that was in dire need and requested us to help out with food. Our team that day delivered groceries and fruit to last them a week.
It is great that we are able to help families outside of our community, when asked.
One of the teachers at Randwick Park School came to us and told us about a student in her class that had joined the Sports Academy, and how that had turned his life around. When this teacher related this story to her friends and then told them he needed rugby boots, they donated a considerable amount of money to her to make sure this boy had the best. On the last day of school we took him to Rebel Sports where he bought Adidas Rugby Boots, Rugby Socks and a Ugly Canterbury jersey. When he came back to school he was swamped by other students all wanted to see what he had been given.
Last Saturday, again we supplied ball boys at St Kentigern College 1st XV game where they played Sacred Heart and it was televised live on Sky. This game is repeated on Sky Channel 53 at 9.30pm this Wednesday. Look for the two smart ball boys proudly wearing the tracksuits supplied by Kensington Swan and supported by Rotary Epsom. (Photo)